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Member Incentive Information & "Receipt"

Information regarding the member incentive and receipt resource for members who receive an incentive following completion of More Than A Script Tasks

Max Anderegg avatar
Written by Max Anderegg
Updated over a week ago

Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina has made available a $25 incentive for members who have completed Diabetes and/or Hypertension Encounter 1b and Encounter 3 (total of $50 per member per year). Medicare members are not eligible for this incentive.

To determine if your patient is a Medicare beneficiary, locate their member ID on their Blue Cross NC card or on their profile in the DocStation platform under "Patient Profile". If the member ID begins with the numbers "106", they are a Medicare beneficiary, and incentives cannot be given. Pharmacists can also discuss active coverage benefits directly with the patient themselves.

Documentation will occur at the end of these visits by checking a box. If the box is checked, indicating that the pharmacist would like to offer an incentive, an additional $25 will be included in your DocStation reimbursement following submission of the encounter.

The pharmacy has the option to offer the incentive to members who may benefit (excluding Medicare members). Pharmacies may also leave the check box blank if they would not like to receive an additional $25 to distribute to the member. Your pharmacy can use the $25 to incentivize members with gift cards or other approaches of your choosing (store credit, etc.).

Retroactive incentive payments are not allowed.

Please email with any questions.

Pharmacies may use the following "receipt" for patient who receive the incentive.

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