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2024 Devoted Health Program

Everything you need to know about the Devoted Health clinical program in 2024.

Simon Anderegg avatar
Written by Simon Anderegg
Updated over 11 months ago

The Devoted Health program is designed to optimize patient care interactions with a streamlined workflow and easy-to-use documentation tools that help the pharmacist truly focus on the patient.


The program focuses on potential care opportunities related to medication management through the following services:

Detailed instructions on navigating each encounter workflow are linked to the relevant service above.

Payment Model

The payment model for this program will follow a fee-for-service structure where pharmacies are reimbursed a flat rate for both task completion and archive. Archived tasks are reimbursed at a lower rate compared to completed tasks as it is assumed that a full patient engagement did not occur.

Task Type

Task Completion

Task Archive




Statin Use in Diabetes (SUPD)



Statin Use in Persons with Cardiovascular Disease (SUCD)



Monthly Payment Example

Pharmacy performs the following interventions:

  • Completed tasks

    • 80 Non-Adherence ($25 * 80 = $2,000)

    • 40 SUPD ($30 * 40 = $1,200)

    • 20 SUCD ($30 * 20 = $600)

  • Archived tasks

    • 20 Non-Adherence ($5.00 * 20 = $100)

    • 10 SUPD ($5.00 * 10 = $50)

    • 5 SUCD ($5.00 * 5 = $25)

Total monthly compensation for this pharmacy would be $3,975.00

If you have any questions, please contact us at :)

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