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Patient Tags

Patient Tags and how to use them

Aubree Dorr avatar
Written by Aubree Dorr
Updated over a week ago

Patient Tags are a great way to customize and curate static lists for any focus of your clinical practice. Whereas Saved Filters continuously update lists based on new data, Tags will help you keep an eye on the things you want to group and keep top-of-mind.

Patient Tags are also the gateway to bulk actions across multiple patient profiles, like generating a task, creating a claim, or cleaning up your patient list - more to come on this!

Patient Tags are available to subscribers of DocStation Premium. If you haven't yet activated your DocStation subscription, check this out for more information.

Create/Add a Tag on Patient Profile

To create a tag on a patient profile, click the +Manage Tags button just below the patient's name in the top left of the health record. This is a free text option, so type anything that will help you remember what you're keeping track of. When you're satisfied with the text, click "Create". Add as many tags as you want!

Once a tag is created on a single patient profile, it can be added to multiple profiles one at a time or in bulk via the patient list (see below). To add an existing tag, simply start typing the text and select the desired tag from the list.

Create a Tag on Patient List

To create a new tag on multiple patient profiles at the same time, select the Tag filter on the Patient List, then click "Manage". Use the +Tag button to create a new tag. Then navigate back to the patient list to select the patients to which the tag applies.

Add a Tag to Multiple Patients

To add a tag to multiple patients at once, select all the applicable patients from the Patient List, either one by one or with multi-select, then select an "Update Tags" from the Action button on the right side of the table. Click the tag to add to the selected patients, then click save. You may not see the profiles update in the list right away - sometimes this action takes up to an hour - but rest assured your tags are in use!

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