The Nalox(ONE) Screening task is intended to facilitate encounters with patients who are filling an opioid medication. The pharmacy user is responsible for identifying eligible patients and generating the Nalox(ONE) Screening task "on-demand". Instructions on doing so are listed below.
Patient Eligibility
Any patient living in West Virginia that is prescribed an opioid medication is eligible for the WV Nalox(ONE) program. The opioid is not required to be a new medication or new dose to the patient - every Nalox(ONE) encounter conducted with any opioid medication fill is eligible for reimbursement.
Generating the Nalox(ONE) Screening Task
Search your patient list for the appropriate patient, then pull open their patient profile
Click [Tasks] in the patient left sidebar under the patient's name
Click the
button in the top right corner
Click [On-Demand Tasks] from the dropdown menu
In the Add Task window, do the following:
Select [Nalox(ONE) Program Screening] from the Task Type drop down menu
Select the appropriate pharmacy from the Location drop down menu. DO NOT leave the location field blank❗️
Under Related Medication, do either of the following:
Select the appropriate opioid medication from the drop down menu
Click the [+ Medication] button, input the medication details in the Add Medication window, then click
at the bottom of the window
🎦 Check out the video below on the on-demand task generation process
Completing the Nalox(ONE) Screening Task
Follow the prompts in the newly generated Nalox(ONE) Screening task, completing each intervention and answering each question.
Opioid Use Disorder Assessment - Follow the prompts to determine the patient's risk for opioid use disorder. DocStation will score the assessment inputs then recommend pharmacy interventions based on WVDII guidance.
Accidental Opioid Overdose Assessment - Follow the prompts to determine the patient's risk of accidental overdose. DocStation will score the assessment inputs then recommend pharmacy interventions based on WVDII guidance.
Outcomes worksheet - Follow the prompts to document the outcome of the Nalox(ONE) encounter.
Review the PDMP record
First time patient has filled this medication? - If the opioid medication or dose is new to the patient, select yes.
If Yes - DocStation will automatically generate the Nalox(ONE) Follow-up task 3 days from the completion of the Nalox(ONE) Screening task.
If No - DocStation will NOT generate the Nalox(ONE) Follow-up task.
Record time spent with patient - Select the amount of time spent with the patient during the encounter from the dropdown menu.
Optional - document additional care provided, notes, and link related items
to complete the task
Once complete, the Select Documents window will open. If desired, users may generate an eCare plan from the Nalox(ONE) by selecting [eCare plan] from the dropdown menu.
🎦 Check out the video below on the Nalox(ONE) Screening task completion process
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