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Enabling Integrations

How to verify, turn on or request to activate integrations, including pharmacy management systems and CPESN USA.

Aubree Dorr avatar
Written by Aubree Dorr
Updated over 7 months ago

Integrations allow for safe data sharing between commonly used pharmacy softwares/systems and DocStation. Increased interoperability leads to workflow efficiencies and better patient care.

DocStation is integrated with the following softwares and systems:

Enabling Integrations

To enable an integration for one or more of your pharmacy locations, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the settings cog in the left navigation bar.

  2. Select the Locations tab.

  3. Select the location for which the integration should be enabled.

  4. Navigate to the Data Exchange tab.

  5. If no other integrations are currently enabled, click Add Integration. Otherwise, click the blue + in the top right corner.

  6. Select the integration to enable.

  7. Follow the specific integration completion steps.

Learn more about each integration below!


The PioneerRx integration will push patient and dispensing data to DocStation. This data will be used to build and maintain accurate patient profiles. The dispensing data is automatically filtered in DocStation to only show prescriptions in "completed" status. This integration is a great companion tool for pharmacies using DocStation's automated medical billing feature.

To enable the PioneerRx integration, follow the instructions above and select PioneerRx from the list of available integrations.

You will be provided an Endpoint URL, Username and Password. It is very important that you save this information - PioneerRx will require these credentials to enable the integration from their end. Input these credentials into a PioneerRx Pharmacy Support ticket and request to have the DocStation interface enabled.

PioneerRx requires a Data Collection and Transfer Agreement to complete this integration. This form will automatically be emailed to the user email of the person enabling the integration. This signed form is required to enable this integration. If you are not the appropriate person to sign the agreement, simply forward the link to the right contact. DocStation will send the signed agreement to PioneerRx to confirm the intent to integrate.

Liberty Software Systems - RXQ

The Liberty integration will push patient and dispensing data to DocStation. This data will be used to build and maintain accurate patient profiles. The dispensing data is automatically filtered in DocStation to only show prescriptions in "completed" status. This integration is a great companion tool for pharmacies using DocStation's automated medical billing feature.

To enable the Liberty RXQ integration, follow the instructions above and select Liberty from the list of available integrations.

Obtain the API PIN from Liberty settings. From the Data Exchange tab in DocStation, select the Liberty integration and input the API PIN. Click Save Credentials.

To import your pharmacy's historical dispensing data, click Start Import. This process may take a couple hours to complete. The historical import is a great tool to leverage for new DocStation users who are interested in automated back-billing for medical claims. Be sure to configure the automation rules prior to starting the historical import.

DRX Pharmacy Software

The DRX integration will push patient and dispensing data to DocStation. This data will be used to build and maintain accurate patient profiles. The dispensing data is automatically filtered in DocStation to only show prescriptions in "completed" status. This integration is a great companion tool for pharmacies using DocStation's automated medical billing feature.

To enable the DRX integration, first obtain the API key from DRX location settings.

  1. Navigate to the Location Settings from the home screen.

  2. Choose API Options.

  3. Click "Create Application" from the top right hand corner.

  4. Name the application "DocStation". the IP Address Restriction can be left blank.

  5. Use the "Select All" button to automatically give all available permissions.

  6. You will then navigate to the application list.

  7. To delete an application click the red trash can icon and enter your credentials.

API Key Warning: A DRX API key can be used to extract your live pharmacy data according to the permissions granted to it. The key must be treated as a secret password and caution must be used when sharing it with third parties. If there is a suspicion that a key has been compromised, it should be deleted immediately.

From the Data Exchange tab in DocStation, select the DRX integration.

  1. Input the org slug, which is the first part of the URL; for example: https://<slug>

  2. Input the API key.

  3. Click Save Credentials.

To import your pharmacy's historical dispensing data, click Start Import. This process may take a couple hours to complete. The historical import is a great tool to leverage for new DocStation users who are interested in automated back-billing for medical claims. Be sure to configure the automation rules prior to starting the historical import.


DocStation's integration with RelayHealth enables pharmacies to submit prescription claims to DocStation which are then converted to medical claims. Learn more about how to leverage this tool with the BIN Billing feature.


The CPESN USA integration enables all CPESN members to submit Level 1 certified pharmacist eCare Plans to CPESN USA for documentation and participation in sponsored payer programs nationwide. Learn more about CPESN eCare Plans here.

DHS Immunization Gateway (IZG)

DocStation's integration with the DHS Immunization Gateway (IZG) is a bi-directional data feed that both queries the registry for historical immunization data and allows DocStation users to document administered doses in real time.

For integrated locations, a registry query is performed each time a patient health record is accessed, typically once in a 24-hour period. Immunizations documented in DocStation are also pushed to the registry in near-real time, to allow for workflow efficiency. Learn more about these immunization tools here.

Enabling the IZG integration requires an onboarding process involving the interested pharmacy, DocStation, IZG and the pharmacy's local immunization registry/health information exchange (HIE). To initiate this process, reach out to DocStation Support either via Chat or at

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