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ONE Program Training

Learn more about the ONE Program, training, and DocStation support.

Aubree Dorr avatar
Written by Aubree Dorr
Updated over a week ago

DocStation is thrilled to partner with the Opioid and Naloxone Education (ONE) Program from North Dakota!

Online Training

To participate in the ONE Program, or if your payer program opportunity includes the Safe Opioid Use Assessment Task, complete the training course provided by the ONE Program team, available through

Training is available for both pharmacists and technicians, and offers 3 and 2 CE credit hours, respectively. Training should be completed by all pharmacists, and is not required for technicians, though it is strongly encouraged.

At select "Online Training" or the icon for your payer program (e.g., ClearStone for Blue Cross Blue Shield NPA), and follow the instructions for registering for the training course on

Navigate to and click Login.

Next, select Create an Account, if you don't already have an account with CEImpact. If you do, simply login to your existing account and continue following the instructions below.

Fill in your account details and password, then login. Next, in the left navigation menu, enter the course code ONERx for pharmacists or ONERxT for technicians and click Submit.

After the course is loaded, navigate to My Courses (just above where you entered the code) to begin the training course.

Once you have completed the course, you will receive an email from verifying your completion. Please forward this email to and request to be enrolled in the DocStation ONE Program, or applicable payer program.

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